High Gravity
High Gravity is a show where we talk about beer, brewing, and bullshit! Our primary goal is to talk about Michigan goings on in the beer world and local happenings around our beautiful state. Our aim is to present this information in a fun and not too serious way so that everyone from new brewers and beer drinkers to the most seasoned and experienced enthusiasts can enjoy the show! The more we drink during the show, the more comes out and the more fun we have so language CAN get a bit colorful at times though we do our best to keep it in check, most of the time!! We hope you enjoy the show!

Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Episode 5: Honey Honey Honey
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Honey! Admit it, you read that as the "money money money" song and sang it didn't you? The guys get into honey this episode. From honey itself to mead and braggot, we touch on it all, hot honey too and where/when you can meet up with Mr. Jim and get your hands on some "Southern Roots Apiary" (NOT aviary) honey, Hot Honey and Hell Honey! We talk about the night we kept Darrell out too late and we got him in trouble with his ride home, oops... MAN that was a SUPER gingery mead!!

Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Episode 4: Russian Invasion
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
The Russians are coming!! Well, their beer is. In this episode we get into a PHENOMENAL and special release Russian Imperial Stout called Dark Lord! We talk about our very first review comment of the show before getting into our beers for the day and discuss Johnnys very first homebrew! Don't worry, we mix our general BS in throughout the episode as usual and get a special visit from an absolute legend of the brewery, Darrel SR! We also talk about some of our beer purchasing over the years online and the one and only fight Johhny has ever been in resulting in a black eye...

Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Episode 3: Coffee
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
The guys talk about coffee, the brewery Halloween party that ALMOST resulted in Johnny getting a tattoo and the museum car show along with Johnnys project Jeep. We also hear from Darrell and some of his origin story into the brewing world alongside the family.

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Episode 2: Fuckity Fuck
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
This, our second episode has A LOT more to do with beer this time! We discuss the new Oktoberfest from Starr Craft set to release soon, try out a beer that Johnny brought and talk some more about some of our first experiences with good beers. Once we conceded to raising the language level of the show, we began discussing the finer points of what are "hops" as well as a rather peculiar country singer with a VERY odd song...

Friday Oct 06, 2023
Episode 1: Episode 1
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Friday Oct 06, 2023
Our very first episode! A bit about who we are, what our goals are and what we hope to accomplish with this show, along with a whole bunch of general BS!! Check us out and make sure to hit subscribe, TONS of good stuff coming to the show!!

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or recommendations for things for us to try out on the show!