High Gravity
High Gravity is a show where we talk about beer, brewing, and bullshit! Our primary goal is to talk about Michigan goings on in the beer world and local happenings around our beautiful state. Our aim is to present this information in a fun and not too serious way so that everyone from new brewers and beer drinkers to the most seasoned and experienced enthusiasts can enjoy the show! The more we drink during the show, the more comes out and the more fun we have so language CAN get a bit colorful at times though we do our best to keep it in check, most of the time!! We hope you enjoy the show!

Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Episode 35: In Tandem with twins
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Back again with the White brothers this episode, Eric (amERICan™) and Erin (BREW™), this week the guys and their guests get into some more fantastic ciders! Uncharacteristically of the show, the guys actually stay pretty on topic this episode as they sorta did the last couple as well, very little of the BS we usually incorporate. Anyways, talking a bit about brewing techniques, Johnny drops a HUGE hack for cleaning nasty dirty homebrew bottles. Getting into some talk about the early days of the the internet, the BS ensues a bit as is usual and TRUST me, DO NOT GOOGLE THE JAR OR CUP THING THE GUYS TALK ABOUT! Or do, HIGHLY suggest you don't though... OR the waffle thing, just, don't do it... As the typical third episode per session goes, the stories get fun with a flashback to episode 23 and how THAT EPISODE came to be and ending with the ever greatest philosophical debate of all time!

Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Episode 34: Double PUMPKIN
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Joined by the White brothers again this episode, Eric (amERICan™) and Erin (BREW™) the guys get into Pumpkin beers in June! As to the urban dictionary thing talked about in the first part of the episode, if you REALLY wanna know what that is, YOU can look it up, we opted NOT to post a direct link to it here for obvious reasons (obvious once you know what the word from the show means that is...) So look it up at your own risk! Anyways, back to the show description. Johnny managed to get his hands on a very special and hard to find DOUBLE Pumpkin beer that is one of his absolute all time favorites, between that another pumpkin selection from the collection of the High Gravity coolers they decided to do a pumpkin episode in May! Some fun stories in this one and a fun recap from Jim of Darklord Day weekend and all washed down this episode again with some more fantastic MetaBrew beers brought to us by the twins! Many thanks again guys!!
MetaBrew SocietyWebsite: https://www.metabrewsociety.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/zrsJMvfWvB
X: https://x.com/iamericanwhite?s=21
amERICan’s Discount Code: ERIC60
X: https://x.com/brewmasterwhite?s=21
BREW’s Discount Code: BEERME

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Episode 33: Metabrews with the Bros!
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Welcoming back the White brothers, Eric (amERICan™) and Erin (BREW™), in this episode we get to try the Metabrew beers! We are introduced to five of their flagship beers and while there aren't the highest of gravity beers in this episode, it is still a fun one to enjoy and get the rundown and evaluation of what Metabrew Society has to offer! As always and true to our intro, conversation does indeed go down a NOT PG friendly road towards the end and gets kinda weird, not gonna lie... Oh well, enjoy it anyways!! Or not, whatever...
MetaBrew SocietyWebsite: https://www.metabrewsociety.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/zrsJMvfWvB
X: https://x.com/iamericanwhite?s=21
amERICan’s Discount Code: ERIC60
X: https://x.com/brewmasterwhite?s=21
BREW’s Discount Code: BEERME

Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Episode 32: Barnyard Smell
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
After an interesting start to the episode with yet another of Darrells favorite styles, the guys get right into the first beer of the episode with Johnny jumping the gun and finishing the first glass before the other guys even start. This first one is definitely a different kinda beer as evident by the conversation. ORRRR.... Is it really just bad and Johnny's had a few too many before the show to know better??? Joined briefly by Brother Phil, this seems to further prove the point... Moving onto the next beer and then a bit more talk about the upcoming High Gravity beer brews. Make sure to like, subscribe and share to all your friends, help us grow our cult of followers!!

Sunday May 26, 2024
Episode 31: Let's Get To The Beer
Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
Starting off with a slightly impatient Darrell during the office talk, we start the episode off with a peanut butter beer and move into a story about auto theft. Moving into the second beer of the episode, the guys open a VERY strong beer and start talking about homeland security. Moving into some science and book talk, then moving onto talk of a special video that EVERYONE at the brewery wants to see that Darrell WILL NOT share!! The guys bring back some talk of the "DARE" program and the show Breaking Bad. Then more talk of time travel, again...

Sunday May 19, 2024
Episode 30: 86 The Chicken
Sunday May 19, 2024
Sunday May 19, 2024
Joined again by Kellie and random audience member, the episode starts off with some sleepy talk with an interesting story of Johnnys from drinking out in a field with his cousin and friend back in the day. Starting with some ODD beers today, food is a dominant topic of conversation at the start of the show. Getting through a lot of coffee talk, we bring up bottle sizes and hamsters, AI and Koala's. Living up to the "Bullshit" part of the show, there is impolite talk of roosters and of giving away of ones rooster to another and it does get a bit worse from there... Listen and enjoy!! OR not, whatever, is what it is, your loss...

Friday May 17, 2024
Episode 29: Darklord Day
Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
In this bonus holiday episode we are all treated to a fantastic reading about Darklord day is by Mr. Jim and get into more about Darklord beer itself while of course sampling a several Darklord selections. The guys get into some discussion about choice fine art selections the Brewery has to offer and expand more on the severe lacking of ham that was experienced just before recording started. With a surprise visit from Brother Phil, the conversation wavers between beer and other random BS a bit before getting back on track. Then shortly joined by Father Darrel as well, though he just hangs in the background with us for a bit. Some quick discussion on the High Gravity beers that are going to be brewed soon and then back on topic, again. We hope you all enjoy the episode and wish you a Happy Darklord Day!

Sunday May 12, 2024
Episode 28: Crab Cider
Sunday May 12, 2024
Sunday May 12, 2024
Welcoming Kellie back to the show this week, everyone starts out chatting about some fun entertaining items and get into some cider talk, off the rip we devolve quickly this episode though manage somehow to reel it back in and get back on topic. Johnny tells of a task he did that no one believes him, so moving on! Amongst their consumption of other beverages and apples today, Kellie and Johnny get into a very quick development of a minor cult evolved explicitly around apples AND gain their first follower Jim! ALL HAIL THE APPLE!! After Johnny defends his position of sharing beverages vs dumping, Darrell gets us back on topic of the show and we crack into a beer finally!! While enjoying the chocolate beverage to end all, Kellie proposes a new commercial featuring an actress and song track we all know and get sad when we hear...

Sunday May 05, 2024
Episode 27: Cereal Beer
Sunday May 05, 2024
Sunday May 05, 2024
Starting this episode off with a VERY strong beer, the guys get into some chat about one of the beers they're planning to brew up for everyone to be able to actually purchase and enjoy from the brewery! Moving onto some talk about and the breakfast habits of growing up, the guys FINALLY move onto the next beer. Though a bit disappointing, they push forward and get into some talk about some Disney movies and other entertainment shows they have seen. Finishing the episode with some discussion of family scheduling and phone use, the guys FINALLY get back on the topics of beer and then politely end it for the week.

Sunday May 05, 2024
Episode 26: Cinco De Mayo
Sunday May 05, 2024
Sunday May 05, 2024
We bring back One of Jim's absolute favorite cans of beer we've had on the show thus far! This episode starts off with a delightful description by Jim and a major pop from the first beer of the show! Man did we all REALLY want some tacos while sampling these beers, next years CDM episode we'll have to try and remember to get some!! Johnny gets into an nice loud well defined pour from one of the next beers and with help from the audience members, the guys are able to get through a few extra beers in this special episode! The guys do get into a few stories and develop a minor plan for a fun future few gatherings...

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or recommendations for things for us to try out on the show!