High Gravity
High Gravity is a show where we talk about beer, brewing, and bullshit! Our primary goal is to talk about Michigan goings on in the beer world and local happenings around our beautiful state. Our aim is to present this information in a fun and not too serious way so that everyone from new brewers and beer drinkers to the most seasoned and experienced enthusiasts can enjoy the show! The more we drink during the show, the more comes out and the more fun we have so language CAN get a bit colorful at times though we do our best to keep it in check, most of the time!! We hope you enjoy the show!

Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Episode 45: Hey Hey Hey Hey
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Off to an unusually relaxed BS-less start to this weeks episode, the guys get into the first beer with some hints of Johnnys nemesis, coffee, the general consensus is that there are more chocolate notes overall, which he appreciated! While discussing some ways to improve the first beer, Father Darrell makes a brief appearance in the taproom however doesn't join the guys, maybe next time. While off track, as per a story Jim had seen, the guys discuss some challenges of judging a particular event... Johnny utters some words that we STILL don't believe, he ACTUALLY said he might be on board with dumping a beer!!! After a bit of beer festival talk and following the ad break, a new guest arrives at the brewery, upon their arrival and realizing the recording time is dwindling to finish the show this week, the guys get back on track a bit and into their next beer. As the BS begins to grow, and PAYING customers start coming into the brewery, the guys decide to end it for the week. Tune in next week for more On point and wonderful good high quality talk about beer and brewing!! Hopefully... Ok, just a maybe on that one... Or just tune in to enjoy the BS part, whatever floats your boat!

Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Episode 44: So NOW now we're _______ Startin
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Well that certainly was an interesting start to the episode... Anyways, with a brief discussion of the newest and LARGEST sponsor (ok, maybe just an average size sponsor..) the guys get into their first beer of the show brought to us by Brother Phil. One of Johnnys most favorite beer categories of all time, coffee... Moving onto a discussion of some other beer categories, the guys discuss the possibility and challenges of brewing through some of the categories on the BJCP list. Conversation sidetracks a bit to some talk of a current meme in social media, at least as this was recorded anyways, ya'll have probably forgotten about it by the time this episode drops I'm sure... Moving on through some other BS, the guys FINALLY get into the next beer before Jim tries to run off with the podcasting gear having to take an abrupt 2nd commercial break, tune in to find out why AND to hear what happens after that because I'm done writing details for this episode...

Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Episode 43: No Judgements
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Johnny tells the story of how the recording day started, it was born from a fantastic dream that turned into sitting across from the guys drinking beers. Not that it would have helped had they NOT called, probably a better spent day anyhow... ANYWAYS, the guys get into some beers provided by regular Guest Becky! A fun story from Johnnys friend, who was quickly remembered to be Darrell!! It took the guys far longer than it should have to realize that though... Then a fun story about a marketplace transaction that went VERY wrong for Johnny... Moving onto the next beer and a BRIEF discussion on the High Gravity brewed beers that were started "in February..." with that wicked storm too... Moving onto some whiskey talk the guys get into some of their favorites before finishing out the episode.

Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Episode 42: And We're Back!
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Starting this episode off with Mr. Jim welcoming you all back to the sideshow and joined by our special guest again, MR. Bill! This episode gets into some FANTASTIC Darklord beers and as always, being our third episode in this recording set, this is a fun one! While staying a bit more on topic, thank you to Mr. Bill for that, this is a beer and brewing heavy episode though still with good (topic related) stories and plenty of the BS you have all come to know and love! Or not love, but if you don't love the third and predominant element of the show, why listen? Eh, just enjoy and have fun with it!!

Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Episode 41: The Elder The Younger
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Joined again this week by Mr Bill and starting with some tales of a weekend in Colorado the guys FINALLY get to the intro and progress into the show! Mr. Jeffs son (many thanks again sir!) brought a rather uncommon beer for the guys to get into and with such a unique description of the smell as it is opened, you'll have to listen to the show for more details and how they liked the taste... The guys move on from there and discuss some other odd styles of beers and about Belgium beer festivals and some of their differences compared to American festivals. Coming back to the United States, the guys get back into some more FANTASTIC home brew mead of Mr. Bills with a SUPER unique mead he made with African honey and follow along with more home brews and brewing talk. Lots of mead and brewing talk in this episode so tune in and enjoy!!

Sunday Jul 21, 2024
Episode 40: Mr. Bill
Sunday Jul 21, 2024
Sunday Jul 21, 2024
In this episode the guys welcome Johnnys friend Bill to the show. He quickly acclimates to to how we do things here and brings some of the most actual on topic content we have had on the show yet while sharing with the guys some of his ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC homebrews!! This episode doesn't need much description, just listen and enjoy the show!

Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Episode 39: Wait, We're Recording?
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Welcome to the grapefruit episode! We get into a few grapefruit beers this episode and for the most part stay on topic, unlike the last couple episodes at least at first. A fun short story from Darrell about running over his brother with a truck, turning into talks about some great tv shows and then a call to a commercial break as Johnny had an important call he had to take... Coming back from an extended break discussing some tasting techniques by the regulars and then the rest of the show pretty much goes off the rails... OH, and a special guest appearance by regular Mark, previous guest host Kellies husband as the table tries the new beer from Starr Craft "Finja". Ok, MAYBE it's SOMEWHAT related to brewing in talk of rice and grains a bit, but most of the show after the commercial is a SOLID bunch of BS that we all know and love so much! Listen to the episode today for a very calming and special enjoyable reading by Mr. Jim!

Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Episode 38: I Can Do The Food
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
With one of the most interesting show openers yet, we immediately start off with the BS you have all come to know and love and we are graced with the presence of more live audience members! Then as usual, we get into beers finally but with A LOT of heavy innuendos and BS this episode. Somehow and for some reason, is it actually JOHNNY keeping this episode on topic this week!? Well, trying at least it seems. Then it all just gets weird and we opt to end it before we have to change the shows rating again...

Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Episode 37: Fourth For The 4th
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
The guys get into a rare fourth in a row recorded episode, (ok, so it really is the first time this has happened...) and the BS reigns king this time!! Somehow there is still A LOT of actual beer talk too, not sure how that happened but the BS does not disappoint! Enjoy the very educational story of JP Hotdog and how the very first hotdog came to be as told by Mr. Jim along with other fun stories and tales from the bottom of the pitcher. Getting into some of the Starr Craft beers the guys settle in for a fun episode and some good solid American beers! Grab a growler of your favorite Starr Craft selection, settle in and enjoy the show!! Or whatever your other favorite beverage is, so long as it isn't from the well! Happy Fourth of July to all! Enjoy the day, the fireworks and this special release episode with all your favorite people!

Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Episode 36: Sippin With Sam
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Starting this episode right off the rip with BS catch up from the last few episodes we have been behind on, the guys welcome a new guest to the show and a recurring guest as well! Then back to beer, you know, the point of this show and all. Then back and forth with some beer talk, stories of beer and other things and back to more beer talk! Until we finish it off and end the episode after a very brief voiced appearance of another brewery regular!

Thanks for listening!
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