High Gravity
High Gravity is a show where we talk about beer, brewing, and bullshit! Our primary goal is to talk about Michigan goings on in the beer world and local happenings around our beautiful state. Our aim is to present this information in a fun and not too serious way so that everyone from new brewers and beer drinkers to the most seasoned and experienced enthusiasts can enjoy the show! The more we drink during the show, the more comes out and the more fun we have so language CAN get a bit colorful at times though we do our best to keep it in check, most of the time!! We hope you enjoy the show!

Sunday Oct 20, 2024
Episode 55: Poison Ivy
Sunday Oct 20, 2024
Sunday Oct 20, 2024
This episode starts out with a fun little story on why today's guest has an exceptional aversion to poison ivy. Don't worry, we get to a few beers after this though! Welcoming back Linsey, this episode is filled with MANY interesting stories and a fair amount of BS... Still a fun episode though everyone has CLEARLY had a few beverages during this recording session... GREAT BS stories though as the brewery music starts to kick in signaling the end of this recording session and we sign off until next week! Make sure to make note of the most important lesson of the day as noted in the episode!!
Beers featured in this episode:2023 Bell's Black NoteDogfish Head World Wide StoutMYSTERY FRIDGE BEER Black capped bottleMYSTERY FRIDGE BEER "R" sharpied gold color capped bottleBrewery Vivant Wizard Burial Ground

Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Episode 54: Trying New Things
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Starting the episode off with a warm welcome to their newest guest, the guys welcome Becky and Sams other sister Linsey to the show! Starting her off with some of the Snake Venom and Beithir Fire from last weeks episode, they get into some wonderfully delicious meads they found in the fridge. After talking briefly about Jims dongle, they get back on topic with a fantastic Apple Cyser and a unique new offering from Starr Craft, Peanut Butter Jelly Time! They add in some discussion on some ideas for a new bottle share membership plan for the brewery, make sure to stay tuned for more details on this! While realizing how toasty Johnnys has been this episode, STILL feeling the effects from the worlds strongest beers on LAST weeks episode, everyone gets into a bit of talk of costumes for the upcoming Halloween party and move into a shirtless story from a night at the brewery. Stories go downhill however shortly thereafter so we opted to end this episode...
Beers featured in this episode:MEAD- "The Last Cherry"MEAD- "MISC FRIDGE MEAD- Bloom Session Mead"MEAD- "Blom Meadworks- Apple Cyser Golden and Crisp Sociable"Starr Craft Brewery- Peanut Butter Jelly Time Milkshake Amber

Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Episode 53: Cheers to More Years
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
Sunday Oct 06, 2024
When the table beer becomes Darklord, you know we're drinking strong beers and in for a special episode! We deliver the highest of gravity beers in this episode as promised when we started and our reactions are, well, just tune in to find out! Welcoming our newest guest Bob to the show (he joined us on the hot wing episode too) and with the Return of the White brothers, Eric (amERICan™) and Erin (BREW™), we try 2 beers hailed as the strongest beers in the world and cleanse the palette with some wonderfully refreshing Darklord. We ALSO have a special cake Johnny made for the occasion and yes, we eat it too!! After the show of course... Cheers to everyone who helped make this episode and show possible and cheers to many more years to come!!
Beers featured in this episode:Snake VenomBeithir FireDarklord 2020

Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Episode 52: Rocket Scientist
Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Sunday Sep 29, 2024
The guys are joined once again by the White brothers, Eric (amERICan™) and Erin (BREW™). Following an unfortunate TERRIBLE start with the very first beer being bad, the guys get into a selection of wonderful beers from Mr. Jeffs son, Mr. Zach, dude is a LEGIT ROCKET SCIENTIST!!! A discussion of adding food pairings into the show gets the guys excited only to be crushed by the realization of how much prepping and planning time would go into it so it is fairly quickly dismissed... While the table attempts to force a new nickname for Johnny, he attempts to change the subject and after some random chatting, they finally move onto the next beer much to his, and everyone elses, delight! Then Darrell ruins it and it starts all over again... Yet another fun episode with our guests so tune in and enjoy!!
MetaBrew SocietyWebsite: https://www.metabrewsociety.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/zrsJMvfWvB
X: https://x.com/iamericanwhite?s=21
amERICan’s Discount Code: ERIC60
X: https://x.com/brewmasterwhite?s=21
BREW’s Discount Code: BEERME

Sunday Sep 22, 2024
Episode 51: Like We're Being Watched
Sunday Sep 22, 2024
Sunday Sep 22, 2024
Starting the episode off with a beer Johnny has been saving for Brother Darrell, yes he knows he hates them and yes he did this intentionally! The very first beer this recording session being a dessert style, then seemingly moving onto some sort of breakfast beer? Who knows what's going on here anymore, they surely don't but the audience members are enjoying the show! With some festival beer talk, the guys move onto their next beer, yet another finely Odd selection you might say and again, a dessert style beer. Then moving into their final beer of this episode, Brother Darrell brings out a special limited release beer from the brewery for the guys to sample, sorry folks but by the time this airs, the beer is long gone... Make sure to get on the Starr Craft mailing list for news and updates on special and limited release beers! Moving onto some stories of the mug member club in the beginning and the first few days of SCB and a couple tales from the brewery anniversary party finally bringing the episode to a close.

Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Episode 50: Holy crap we made it to 50!
Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Episode 50 deserves some special beers so the guys get into some absolutely AMAZING and SUPER coveted Darklord variants courtesy of Mr Jeff and Mr Jim AND this one just so happens to be Johny's number 1,000 check in on Untapped! With a few audience memebrs in studio today with the guys, a fair amount of on topic beer talk starting the show off, a bit unusual for a third episode recording at that... Moving onto the second beer which itself seems a bit excited to be opened up, the guys talk carmel (or is it caramel) and acknowledge Jim and his wife's anniversary, Johnnys parents 40th and that there were recently a few birthdays at the brewery, Congrats to all and Happy Birthday Carol and Kelli! Moving onto the piece de resistance (ya I know I spelled at the wrong...) the guys get into one of the most coveted Darklord beers, the Marshmallow Handjee! From about that point on this episode is mostly the BS element of the show, SOME beer talk towards the end but all enjoyable still!

Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Episode 49: Barrel Aged Roger
Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Welcoming Mr. Alex back to the show again this week, the guys start off with another very bubbly frothy beer. With wonderful notes of Johnnys oh so favorite flavor (coffee) the beer talk starts quickly. After Brother Darrell gets a little bit too excited at the prospect of a certain beer, the guys get into some talk of coffee before moving onto more and more BS including talk about Penguins again for whatever reason... FINALLY Johnny of all people (weird right?) gets everyone back on topic with a VERY special and impossible to get Scotch Ale that was also gifted to him from his buddy Jason, SERIOUSLY THANKS AGAIN DUDE!! The guys have a brief discussion of Scotch vs Scottish ale and then about the man, the myth and the legend that is Rymin Roger! Still TECHNICALLY related to beer at least, sorta... There's a lot more to this longer than normal episode, including a very interesting interaction with some rather early to the brewery customers while recording and a PHENOMENAL Darklord variant brought by Mr. Jim but I'm tired of typing so just listen and enjoy the show!!

Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Episode 48: Missing Sunshine
Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Starting this episode off as a "Part 2" to last weeks episode, the guys start right off getting into more beers from Mr. Alex and reminisce about a fantastic beer from a long long time ago in a recording studio far far in front of us... Getting into IPA style beers, the guys get into a bit of technical talk about what is an IBU? An unfortunate brief covering of the High Gravity beers and that due to some unforeseen circumstances and situations, they are temporarily being delayed... Moving onto some story time, with Darrell bugging Jim of an empty glass, similar to how a cat bugs you when the food or water bowls are empty, Mr. Alex reins it all back in with the next beer, much to Darrells delight! The final beer of this episode is a special beer form Johnnys longtime friend Jason, Thanks again Jason!!

Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Episode 47: Rollin Rollin Rollin
Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Welcoming first time guest Alex to the show, the guys start right off this episode with beer talk and a minor concern of flashbacks to the explosive beers a few weeks ago and an Brother Darrells absolute favorite flavor in beer number one, Cherry! A discussion of different brewery visits and vanilla moves into tales of river float downs, Mr. Jims trip went WAY better than Johnnys though! Moving onto some of the beers Alex brought, the guys for the most part stay on topic about beer this episode. Ending the first episode in this recording session with some more fun stories and a loose plan for a brew day, the guys quickly get back on topic of beer and end the episode.

Saturday Aug 31, 2024
Episode 46: HOLY HOTNESS
Saturday Aug 31, 2024
Saturday Aug 31, 2024
In this special EXTENDED release episode covering the fifth year anniversary party for Starr Craft Brewery, the guys hosted a special live outdoor recording of the Hot-wing Challenge event at the party. With a number of special guests for the show, the guys give a brief intro and review of the event with in-studio guest Alex who was also there at the event. Followed by a selection of clips from the show. We couldn't quite include EVERYTHING recorded that day, so we had to narrow it down a bit... Also featured from the event, a special interview with Michael Scalici of Scalici's Wood Fired Pizza and a presentation of an AWESOME update coming to the brewery very soon!! Finishing this episode off is a discussion of a staple seasonal beer in the Starr Craft collection. CLEARLY the guys have had A LOT of beer before the episode so enjoy the BS inside of the BS and come out next year to the sixth year party and join us for whatever we get into then! And of course, make sure to like follow and subscribe to the show for more great episodes!! We have some cool and VERY unique beers coming to the show VERY soon!!
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063654635893Scalici's Pizza on Facebook

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