Episode 77: Mystery Can
Starting off the episode with a "Mystery Beer" Johnny brought to the show. Tune in for the interesting details about that one AND how Johnny actually kinda screwed up a joke he tried to pull on Brother Darrell, though listen for the dings when Darrell guesses correct details... Comparing some differences between that one and a fresh pour of the same beer, the guys note some changes that happened when it was canned several weeks prior to sampling today. Touching on the subject of chemistry, the guys discuss some sciency stuff that goes into brewing that MOST people tend to overlook. Moving onto the main content of this episode, the guys get into a vertical of KBS, comparing, contrasting and discussing how it has seemingly changed over the three different year bottles sampled. Having a bit of a discussion about the upcoming Darklord Day as well before finishing the episode with a wonderfully special beer provided by Brother Phil, the guys get into a FANTASTIC special release Dragon's Milk from New Holland.
Beers featured in this episode:
Mystery Can of beer - Johnnys fridge, acquired from a friend
"Double D" Dunkel - Starr Craft Brewery
Kentucky Breakfast Stout 2017 - Founders Brewing Co.
Kentucky Breakfast Stout 2018 - Founders Brewing Co.
Kentucky Breakfast Stout 2019 - Founders Brewing Co.
Dragon's Milk D20 Brew 2024 - New Holland Brewing