Episode 72: Woof Woof
Once again we at High Gravity would like to extend our heartfelt apologies to Bre's dad Carl, based on last weeks episode you should have had an idea this episode would be the same or worse than last weeks though so from here forward, it's on your sir, hope you enjoy the show otherwise haha! Starting with MOSTLY on topic beer conversation, from talking in weird accents (quite poorly) to talking about cheese and maggots, this one gets wild and is a contender for one of our most BS filled episodes! Definitely one of the most fun ones without a doubt though! Including a wild story about how odd young Johnny was back in the day from an old friend and Bre's brother Michael. A couple of quick side stories about first dates while ATTEMPTING to read a beer description, then it goes right back off the rails again. Getting somewhat back on topic, for a moment then back to some stuff about schooling (back to school, back to school, to prove...) for awhile... Everyone takes a couple moments for a special cheers and shout out to all our moms, and all the moms everywhere! Then we get back into strip club talk before ending with a short and odd discussion about the Bibs and Brews event coming to town in March.
Commercial House: https://www.facebook.com/CommercialHouseBar
Beers featured in this episode:
Abby Ale's Abbey Ale - Stumblebum Beer Co.
Wizard Burial Ground (2023) - Brewery Vivant
Dragon's Milk: Triple Mash (2021) - New Holland Brewing
Dragon's Milk: Triple Mash (2024) - New Holland Brewing